Boys Are Different
I was going to title this one "Boys are Weird" but I've been to church today where they've spent the last month dissecting relationships, marital relationships in particular. So for me, top of mind is the thought that we're supposed to be different, that's what makes it work.
I've been married to my wonderful husband for over 18 years. He lets me be who I am and I even think he loves me for it. He's a pretty quiet, creative and passive guy and the last place you'd find him is in the gym. If anybody's reading this you can safely say opposites attract. Attract is a great word too because he's about the only guy who was interested in me based on looks alone. Usually, I fell into dating my guy friends. He picked me up at the grocery store while I was working my way through college. It was very "Officer and Gentlemen", him decked out in his navy uniform coming through my line most every night for six months before he asked me out. And by "asked out" I mean that he threw his business card at me and asked over his shoulder for me to call him if I was interested while he made a hasty retreat. Our first real date was to the Navy Ball and it seems cliche but I knew that night that we would be married. Three weeks later, we were in fact engaged which caused quite a stir in our families.
He was 36, I was 19. I shake my head as I type that. Couldn't have known then but fast forward to present day, and I'm the only one of my siblings still married. Sure we've had our ups and downs with two great kids, a couple of moves, and several job changes and most recently some unpleasant health concerns. Not even going to mention the "P" word this post.
Anyway, I've mentioned in passing that I was writing this blog to him. The other night, when he asked what I was doing I told him I was blogging. The obvious follow up in my mind is, "Can I read it?". Apparently not for him. Makes me say hmmmm. And in the next breath it makes me say, boys are weird.
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